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Frequently Asked Questions

Why does JobsForHealth have a free option?

Our mission is to provide easy access to all candidates seeking information about health careers. We believe everyone can be successful in whatever career they choose. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but with the right tools and free resources, the playing field can be leveled so that all candidates receive an equal opportunity.

Is the information on this site reliable?

We make sure the information on this site is reliable by having internal staff representing the specialization or an accredited person review it. We ask experts in the field to review what we write before it is posted and when the information is updated.

What types of skills are health companies looking for?

Well, first of all, you have to genuinely like and want to help people. Compassion, empathy, intellectual curiosity and good communication skills also go a long way in helping someone to become an excellent health care provider. Next, you will need education. Depending on the career, you may get training on the job or attend a college or university.

How long does it take to get a free job opening approved?

The average length of time it takes to hear back is two to three days after you submit your job opening. In contrast, certain jobs, like those positions for new companies could take as long as two weeks to hear back. However, the amount of time it takes to hear back depends on the company’s urgency to fill a position.